Studiaza Teologia din perspectiva dezvoltarii sale istorice, marcand evenimentele decisive ale Bisericii in istorie....

Ord. dupa

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4 comentarii

Daniel Buda este preot ortodox, dar si cadru didactic universitar la F...

Emanoil Babus este un bine-cunoscut preot ortodox, dar si profesor uni...

Emilian Popescu s-a nascut la 20 februarie 1929 in localitatea Oriesti...

Gheorghe Anghelescu este un renumit teolog, cadru didactic universitar...

1 comentarii

Ioan Caraza este un cleric ortodox si profesor universitar la Facultat...

Ioan Vasile Leb s-a nascut la data de 30 ianuarie 1953 in localitatea ...

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Nicu Dumitrascu este un profesor de Teologie, cadru didactic al Facult...

Paul Brusanowski (Paul Lucian Brusanowski) este un cunoscut profesor d...

Nascut la 18 octombrie 1945, in Dumbravita, jud.  Brasov, Parintele ...

1 comentarii

Nicu Dumitrascu este un profesor de Teologie, cadru didactic al Facultatii de Teologie Ortodoxa din Oradea, dar si cleric ortodox.

Parintele Nicu Dumitrascu s-a nascut la 17 februarie 1961. Dupa ce a absolvit Facultatea de Geologie si Geografie din Bucuresti (1981-1986), Parintele Nicu Dumitrascu a urmat cursurile Institutului Teologic Universitar din Sibiu (1987-1991), pentru ca intre 1992-1995 sa urmeze cursurile doctorale in cadrul Institutului Teologic Universitar din Sibiu.

Intre 1996-1998, Parintele Nicu Dumitrascu a studiat la Universitatea Oxford, iar in 1999 a devenit doctor in Teologie al Facultatii de Teologie Ortodoxa din Sibiu.

De asemenea, Parintele Nicu Dumitrascu are si o bogata activitate didactica, parcurgand toate etapele si functiile didactice, dupa cum urmeaza: 1994-2001, lector asociat; 2001-2002, lector titular; 2002-2005, conferentiar; 2005-prezent, profesor universitar; 2015 – conducator de doctorat.

Dintre lucrarile Parintelui profesor Nicu Dumitrascu enumeram:

  1. Dumitrascu Nicu, (ed), The Ecumenical Legacy of the Cappadocians, Palgrave Macmillan, NewYork/London, 2015, 297 p, ISBN 978-1-137-51394-6. []
  2. Dumitrascu Nicu, (ed), Christian Family and Contemporary Society, T&T Clark (an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing PLC), London/New Delhi/New York/Sydney, November 2014, 273 p, ISBN 9780567656964. []
  3. Dumitrascu Nicu, Patrologie- Manual pentru Seminariile Teologice, (in colaborare cu Arhid. Prof. Univ. Dr. Constantin Voicu), Editura Institutului Biblic si de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Romane, Bucuresti, 2004, 339 p, ISBN 973-616-022-x [editia a 2 a, 2006; editia a 3 a revizuita si completata, Sibiu, Editura Agnos, Sibiu, 2013,ISBN 978-973-1941-19-6, 415 p].
  4. Dumitrascu Nicu, (ed), Teologie si Societate in opera Sfantului Ioan Gura de Aur – la 1600 de ani de la intrarea sa in vesnicie, Editura Universitatii Oradea, 2007, 387 p. ISBN 978-973-759-347-4
  5. Dumitrascu Nicu & Emil Cioara (ed), Traditie si modernitate in societatea romaneasca in noul context creat de aderarea la Uniunea Europeana, Editura Universitatii Oradea, 2007, 526 p. ISBN 978-973-759-362-7
  6. Dumitrascu Nicu, The Mission of the Romanian Orthodox Church and its Challenges, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Napoca Star, Cluj-Napoca, 2002, 131 p, ISBN 973-647-075-x
  7. Dumitrascu Nicu, Teologi Pre- si Post-Niceeni, Misiunea Bisericii Crestine Primare in Termeni Patristici, Editura Napoca Star, Cluj-Napoca, 2002, 184 p, ISBN 973-647-013-x
  8. Dumitrascu Nicu, Cele Sapte Personalitati de la Niceea (325), rolul lor in cadrul primelor framintari ecumenice majore ale lumii crestine, Editura Napoca Star, Cluj-Napoca, 2001, 297 p. ISBN 973-647-012-1
  9. Dumitrascu Nicu, Hristologia Sfantului Atanasie cel Mare , in contextul controverselor ariene si post-ariene , Editura Napoca Star, Cluj-Napoca, 1999, 203 p, ISBN 973-98664-5-x
  10. Dumitrascu Nicu, Basil the Great: Faith, Mission and Diplomacy in the shaping of Christian Doctrine, Routledge, London/New York, 2018), 204 p, ISBN -10: 1472485866

Enumeram si urmatoarele studii stiintifice:

  1. Following in St Elijah’s Footstep in the Holy Land [A Pilgrimage to the Biblical Roots of the ‘Monastic Life’], “Studia Monastica”, 60(2), 2018, p. 421-434 (Spania), ISSN 0039-3258
  2. Rethinking Reconciliation: Healing of Memories in Transylvania, “Journal of Dharma”, 42 (2), 2017, p. 219-237 (India), ISSN: 0253-7222.
  3. Abbess Alexandra: The Princess of Love, Suffering and Compassion (An exercise of spiritual admiration) ,  in “Studia Monastica” 59 (1), 2017, p. 197-212. (Spania) ISSN 0039-3258.
  4. The Romanian Orthodox Monasticism: History and Pan-Orthodox Ecumenism [From the Fall of Constantinople to the  Seizure of Monastic Assets],  in “Studia Monastica” 58 (2), 2016, p. 259-271 (Spania) ISSN 0039-3258.
  5. Role of the Deaconesses in the Ancient Tradition of the Church and Society, “Journal of Dharma”, 41 (4), 2016, p. 373-388 (India), ISSN: 0253-7222
  6. André Scrima and the Power of the Spiritual Ecumenism, in Ecumenical Review, 68 (2-3), 2016, p.  272-281 (Elveția) ISSN 0013-0796   
  7. St John Chrysostom and the Responsibility of a free Conscience, in “Theology Today”, 73(3), 2016, p. 230-240 (USA) ISSN 0040-5736.
  8. Romanian Orthodox Monasticism: History and Spirituality[From St Nicodemus of Tismana to St Paisius Velichkovschy, in “Studia Monastica” 57 (2), 2015, p. 305-316 (Spania) ISSN 0039-3258
  9. Dignity and/or Humbleness of a Christian in Times of Danger (with Some Patristic References), in “International Journal of Orthodox Theology”, 6(1)/2015, p. 33-50, Erlangen (Germania). ISSN 2190-0582.
  10. Papal Primacy in the service of unity of the Church – one Orthodox theological perspective (comments and notes), in „Studia Nauk Teologicznych Pan”, tom 10/2015, p. 145-160, Lublin (Polonia). ISSN 1896-3226.
  11. History and Diplomacy: Alexander of Alexandria, An Enigmatical Figure of the Arian Controversy Before Nicaea (New Comments and Reflections), in “Studia Monastica”, 57 (1), 2015, p. 7-23 (Spania) ISSN 0039-3258.
  12. Mission of the Church under Pressure: An Orthodox Perspective, in “Dialog: A Journal of Theology”, 54 (2), 2015, p. 196-201 (S.U.A) ISSN 0012-2033.
  13. The Garden of Love. Some Orthodox Perspectives on the Spirit and the Church,  in “Acta Theologica”, 34 (1), 2014, p. 40-51 (Africa de Sud) ISSN 1015-8758.
  14. Ecclesiastical/Ecumenical Diplomacy during and after Second Vatican Council. Old and New Orthodox Notes and Comments, in in „Annals of Ecumenical Theology” no. 7/2014, p. 83-102, Lublin (Polonia). ISSN 2081-6731.
  15. Romanian Orthodox Monasticism: History and Confession [From the beginning to St Nicodemus of Tismana], in “Studia Monastica”, 56 (1), 2014, p. 37-55 (Spania) ISSN 0039-3258.
  16. El Vaticano II desde una perspectiva ortodoxa, en A. Aranda-M.Lluch-J.Herrera (eds.), En torno al Vaticano II: claves históricas, doctrinales y pastorales, Pamplona: Eunsa 2014, p. 359-381(Spania). ISBN: 978-84-313-2998-3.
  17. A New Trinitarian Vision: Orthodox Ecclesiology Embodied within a Secularized Society, in “Theology Today”, 70(4), 2014, p. 445-454 (S.U.A) ISSN 0040-5736.
  18. The Lord’s Prayer in Eastern Spirituality, in “Dialog: A Journal of Theology”, 52 (4), 2013, p. 353-360. (S.U.A) ISSN 0012-2033.
  19. Eusebio de Cesarea: La actitud versátil de un brillante historiador en el marco de las controversias arrianas, in „Studia Monastica”, 55 (1), 2013, p. 7-25 (Spania). ISSN 0039-3258.
  20. An Orthodox View on Church and Trinity, în P.De Mey, G. Mannion & P. De Witte (eds) “Believing in Community: Ecumenical Reflections on the Church, [Leuven Encounters in Systematic Theology VI]”, [Bibliotheca Efemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 261], Peeters Publishers, 2013, p, 343-349, Leuven, (Belgia). ISBN 978-90-429-3010-0.
  21. Ecclesiastical/Ecumenical Diplomacy at and after Council      Vatican II. Old and New Orthodox Notes and Comments, “O ekumenizmie w Roku Wiary. Księga pamiątkowa z okazji jubileuszu 30-lecia Instytutu Ekumenicznego KUL”, ed. P. Kantyka, P. Kopiec, S. Skladanowski, p. 117-132, Lublin 2013 (Polonia) ISBN 978-83-7702-755-4.
  22. Un Esercizio di Ammirazione Mistica. San Francesco D’Assisi e i Teologi Ortodossi Romeni, in „Studia Monastica”, 54 (2), 2012, p. 349-360. (Spania) ISSN 0039-3258.
  23. Orthodox Commentary of the Culture of Christian Indifference in Modern Society, in „Annals of Ecumenical Theology” no. 5/2012, p. 79-89, Lublin (Polonia). ISSN 2081-6731.
  24. Origen’s Commentary on the Lord’s Prayer: A Prayer of Love, Forgiveness, and Beauty, in Studies in Orthodox Theology vol. 4. The Early Church on Beauty (ed. J.M Guckin), Theorokos Press. New York, Dec. 2012, p. 66-82. ISBN 978-0-9853596-0-7.
  25. Mercy, Love and Salvation in Orthodox Spirituality, in “Acta Theologica”, 32 (2), 2012, p. 74-85. (Africa de Sud) ISSN 1015-8758.
  26. Marriage and Family in the Orthodox Spirituality between Tradition and Contemporary Life, INTAMS Review. Journal for the Study of Marriage & Spirituality, vol. 18. No 1/2012, p. 33-41 (Belgia). ISSN 1370-6020
  27. L’intelletto umano immobile dinanzi alla luce divina. Dumitru Stăniloae interprete di Gregorio Palamàs, in “Studia Monastica”,53 (2), 2011, p. 329-336 (Spania) ISSN 0039-3258. (în colaborare cu Matteo Taufer)
  28. A Romanian Perspective on Ecumenism, Patristics and Academic Theology, in “The Ecumenical Review”, 63(2), 2011, p. 169-176 (Elveţia) ISSN 0013-0796.
  29. The Spiritual and Cultural Dimension of  Orthodox Youth  in Europe Today, în I.Noble, U. Link-Wieczoreck, Peter de Mey (eds), “Re-imagining Religious Belonging: Ecumenical Responses to Changing Religiosity in Europe”[Beihefte Zur Ökumenischen Rundschau, 90], Lembeck Publishers, 2011, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Leipzig, p. 173-181, (Germania), ISBN 978-3-374-03022-4.
  30. Saints Basil the Great and Gregory the Theologian – Two Different Attitudes and the Same Faith, în Gunnar af Hällström (ed), “The Actuality of. St. Basil the Great”, Conference Lectures, Painosalama Oy, Turku, 2011, p. 75-91, (Finlanda). ISBN 978-952-12-2658-8.
  31. Saints in the Eastern Patristic Tradition, în Martin Rothgangel şi Hans Schwarz (Hrsg.), “Götter, Heroen, Heilige – Von römischen Göttern bis zu Heiligen des Alltags”, 2011, p. 43-57, PETER LANG Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, Frankfurt am Main (Germania). ISBN 978-3-631-60309-3.
  32. Poverty and Wealth in the Orthodox Spirituality (with special reference to St. John Chrysostom), în “Dialog: A Journal of Theology”, 49 (4), 2010, p. 300-305 (S.U.A) ISSN 0012-2033.
  33. The icon: the unwritten theology of divine light [with some patristic references], în Annali di studi religiosi 8 (2007), pp141-147, EDB Bologna (Italia). ISBN 978-88-10-41510-8.
  34. Romanian Orthodox Theology between Tradition and New challenges in Europe –with patristic insertions, în Grant S. White & Teovo Laitila (eds) „Orthodox Tradition and the 21st Century: experiences of the past, realities of today, challenges of tomorrow”, p. 57-66, University of Joensuu Press,  2007, (Finlanda). ISBN 978-952-219-017-8.
  35. Multiconfessional  Romania at the end of the second millenium and the beginning of the third, in “Journal of Eastern Christian Studies”, 53 (3-4), 2001, p.124-136, revistă editată de Instituut voor Oosters Christendom te Nijmegen (Olanda). ISSN 0009-5141.

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