Ord. dupa

Idei în Agora LXXI Grupul de la Iași. Contracultură și disidenț...

LXVII Noica. După 35 de ani Andrei Pleşu în dialog cu Sorin Antoh...

LXV Ioan Petru Culianu and the History of Religions Giovanni Casadio...

LXIV Imaginarul social Corin Braga în dialog cu Sorin Antohi Casa ...

Ioan Petru Culianu Lives, Works, Legacies COLLOQUIUM Iași, 2...

LXII Opera și viața Priviri retrospective și prospective Sorin A...

Un entretien avec Cioran / O convorbire cu Cioran L'enregistrement ...

Idei în Agora, LIX Jazz, cultură, libertate Virgil Mihaiu în dial...

Idei în Agora, LIX Ultimul copil al Imperiului. De la marginalii sov...

Idei în Agora, LVIII Ce-am avut și n-am pierdut: Securitatea Mariu...

Idei în Agora, LVII România și Europa. De la decalaje la convergen...

Idei în Agora, LVI Revoluție? Istorie, ficțiune, justiție Ga...

Idei în Agora, LV Contracultura: muzica și versurile Alexandru And...

Idei în Agora, LIV Pe drum, prin ceilalți, către sine IDENTITĂȚI...

Idei în Agora, LIII Situația studiilor literare Conferință de Mi...

Idei în Agora, XLVII Autolatria. Mitologii și istorii ale identită...

Idei în Agora XLVI Literatură, cultură şi societate românească...

Idei în Agora XLV Tradiție, moderniza...

În perioada 5-7 aprilie 2019, ieșenii îl pot întîlni pe Moshe Ide...

Idei în Agora, XLIII București-New York tur-retur, via antropolog...

Idei în Agora, XLII Un memorial între două Europe Conferință d...

Idei în Agora, XLI Adevărul şi trecutul Mircea Dumitru în dialog...

Idei în Agora, XL Globalizarea ipocriziei. Pentru o abordare umanist...

Idei în Agora, XXXIX Între (culturi, ...

România Mare. Idee, istorie, memorie Conferință de Sorin Antohi...


Under the Auspices of the Royal Family of Romania

Royal Estate of Sinaia, Romania, June 21-24, 2018

Conveners: Sorin Antohi and Gregory Claeys

Organizer: Asociația Orbis Tertius / A Treia Lume

In 1968, after several years of debates and actions across Europe and around the world, a new global generation was asserting its ideas, its passions, its interests, its fantasies, its utopias. To discuss all the above and more, an interdisciplinary colloquium is convened on the Royal Estate of Sinaia, under the auspices of the Royal Family of Romania.

Related international conferences at the same location include Humanism and Utopianism. Historical and Critical Perspectives (June 13-15, 2014) and, in the same series of Royal Colloquia, Utopia and Revolution (June 22-25, 2017; the videos of the colloquium are posted on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tt6NQ33WxP0&list=PLhpuENTaWXvugT9ukIHBM9byuTZp1Oymo). This year’s colloquium continues in Bucharest on June 24, at 18:00, with a debate on the same topic in the series of public debates, Ideas in the Agora, coordinated by Sorin Antohi since June 21, 2017 at the Bucharest City Museum (livestreamed and archived on YouTube: https://www.societateamuzicala.ro/sorinantohi/category/idei-in-agora/).

The Cantemir Annual Award continues the Cantemir Prize, established in 2010 as part of the activities leading to and becoming the Cantemir Institute at the University of Oxford (2011-2013). The Cantemir Prize was handed during annual conferences at the University of Oxford by HRH Prince Radu of Romania, the High Patron of the Cantemir Institute, to Ștefan Lemny (2010), Alison Ashford and Philippa Levine (2011), Martin Dodge, Chris Perkins, and Rob Kitchin (2012). In 2017, the recipient of the Cantemir Annual Award was Moshe Idel.

The Cantemir Annual Award celebrates the legacy of two enlightened princes of Romanian background: Demetrius Cantemir (1673-1723) and his son Antiochus (1709-1744).  Their writings, actions, and visions encompass vast spaces, different periods, and various cultures, both Eastern and Western. Demetrius was a ruling prince of Moldavia educated in Constantinople, a member of the Berlin Academy, a prince of the Russian Empire and an adviser to Peter the Great, while Antiochus was a translator, Russia’s first modern poet and first ambassador to Great Britain and France. They were cosmopolitan humanists who, while rooted in particular societies, traditions, and worldviews, transcended borders of many sorts, aspiring to intercultural knowledge and universal horizons.


Thursday, June 21


Transfers to Sinaia

20:30 Dinner

Friday, June 22

8:00-12:00 Trip

12:45 Conferral of the Cantemir Annual Award, Peleș Castle (Marble Hall)

13:00 Lunch hosted by HRH Prince Radu of Romania at Peleș Castle (Concert Hall). Followed by a tour of Peleș and Pelișor Castles.

16:30-17:30 First Session: The Utopias of 1968

Opening Remarks, Moderator: Sorin Antohi

Gregory Claeys, „Liberation” and the Utopias of 1968: Some Reflections

17:30-18:00 Break

18:00-20:00 Second Session: (Failed) Revolution, Messianism, Hope

Moderator: Ștefan Borbély

Isy Morgensztern, The Impossible Revolution: Benny Levy’s Intellectual Journey

Corin Braga, Récupération du « principe espérance » dans les utopies de la fin du XXe siècle


Ludmila Gruszewska-Blaim, Watching 1968: Cinematic Representations of Failed Revolutions

20:00 Dinner

Saturday, June 23

9:00-11:00 Third Session: Counterculture

Moderator: Artur Blaim

Gábor Klaniczay, 1968 and Youth Counterculture in the West and in the East

Ștefan Borbély and Constantina Raveca Buleu, A Joint Tribute to Theodore Roszak

11:00-11:30 Coffee Break

11:30-13:30 Fourth Session: 1968 in East Central Europe

Moderator: Ludmila Gruszewska-Blaim

Jan Mervart, Envisioning Socialist Utopia: 1968 and the Czechoslovak Radical Leftist Intelligentsia

Artur Blaim, March 1968 in Poland. A Tragicomedy of Errors

Michael Shafir, The Other ‘68

13:30-15:00 Lunch

15:00-16:30 Visit of Sinaia Monastery

16:30-18:00 Fifth Session: Ideas and Legacies

Moderator: Gábor Klaniczay

Balázs Trencsényi, The Many Faces of ’68 in East Central Europe. Towards a Comparative Analysis of Political Ideas

Sorin Antohi, 1968: What Was Right and What Is Left?

18:00-18:15 Break

18:15-19:00 Concluding Discussion

Moderator: Gregory Claeys

19:00 Dinner

Sunday, June 24


Program complet Sinaia 21-24 iunie 2018

Afis Sinaia 21-24 iunie 2018

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