Marile scoli de arta si cultura ale lumii

Ord. dupa

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Ankara State Conservatory, which was established in May 6, 1936 and was affiliated to the University in 1982, aims to train qualified artists and musicians for institutions of art and to raise future instructors and experts to study in the field of musicology. The courses given in the Conservatory are all arranged and organized in accordance with their equivalents in foreign countries.

Ankara State Conservatory also houses Hacettepe Symphony Orchestra, which was established with the academic personnel of Hacettepe University in 1999. Hacettepe Symphony Orchestra performs all kinds of works of art together with the artists of the Children and Youth Chorus, Chamber Music, and Theatre and Ballet Clubs and Organizations, and conducts successful art activities within and outside the country.

Ankara State Conservatory is unique in its structure in that it offers programmes for different age groups ranging from primary school to BA degree, both on a part-time and a full time basis.

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