Concertele si evenimentele Societatii Muzicale, trecute si viitoare

Ord. dupa

HE Philippe Benoit, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium in Romania, T...

HE Han Chunlin, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Roma...

HE Nicolas Warnery, Ambassador of France in Romania, The Ministry of F...

HE Kap-soo Rim, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea in Romania, The Mi...

HE Margit Bruck-Friedrich, Chargé d‘affaires a.i. of Austria, the M...

HE Alfredo Durante Mangoni, Ambassador of Italy, The Ministry of Forei...

Therese Hyden, Ambassador of The Kingdom of Sweden, The Ministry of Fo...

The Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Ministry of Foreign ...

HE Reuven Azar, Ambassador of Israel in Romania, The Ministry of Forei...

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Societatea Muzicala organized the ...

HE Hiroshi Ueda, Ambassador of Japan, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs ...

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Societatea Muzicala organized the ...

HE Paul McGarry, Ambassador of Ireland, The Ministry of Foreign Affair...

Botond Zakonyi, Ambassador of Hungary, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs...

HE Osama Yousef A. A. Alqaradawi, Ambassador of the State of Qatar to ...

Alfredo Durante Mangoni, Ambassador of Italy in Romania, the Ministry ...

HE Kap-soo Rim, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea in Romania, The Mi...

From Bucharest with Love... Following the release of his acclaimed ...

Welcome Concert in honor of HE Adelheid Folie, Ambassador of Austria. ...

Welcome Concert in honor of HE Osama Yousef A. A. Alqaradawi, Ambassad...

Welcome Concert in honor of HE Issam T. H. MASALHA, Ambassador of Pale...

The Farewell concert that HE Arthur Mattli, Ambassador of Switzerland,...

Farewell concert that Ambassador Rana Mokaddem and Societatea Muzicala...

Welcome Concert in honor of HE Frank R. Cimafranca, Ambassador of Phil...


Concert la Konzerthaus Berlin, Werner Otto Saal, ultimul din cadrul Turneului european al laureatilor din 2016 ai Concursului National Mihail Jora, joi 14 decembrie 2017, in parteneriat cu Ambasada Romaniei la Berlin si cu Mihai Hristu, fondatorul Clubului Tanarului Orfeu, cel care ne-a asigurat contactele cu prestigioasa Konzerthaus Berlin.

Concert finantat de Selgros


  • Dimitri Malignan: J.S. Bach – Capriccio in b flat major „On the Departure of his Beloved Brother”, BWV 992
  • Gloria Tronel (acc. D. Malignan): W.A. Mozart – Vorrei spiegarvi, oh, Dio!
  • Cornelius Zirbo (acc. Miriam Drasovean): R. Schumann – Adagio & Allegro
  • George Virban (acc. M. Drasovean): R. Schumann – In der Fremde
  • Cornelius Zirbo: P. Hindemith – Sonata for cello
  • Gloria Tronel (acc. Miriam Drasovean): R. Strauss – Amor
  • Cornelius Zirbo & Miriam Drasovean: S. Tuna – V.ISA


  • Gloria Tronel (acc. Miriam Drasovean): D. Milhaud – A Cupidon
  • George Virban (acc. Miriam Drasovean): P.I. Ceaikovski – Lensky’s aria „Kuda, kuda” from opera Evgheni Oneghin
  • Dimitri Malignan: S. Prokofiev – 3 Waltzes from „Cinderella”
  • Gloria Tronel (acc. Miriam Drasovean): C. Saint-Saens – Le rossignol et la rose
  • George Virban (acc. Miriam Drasovean): G. Enescu – „Languir me fais” and „Changeons propose” from the songs cycle 7 chansons de Clemant Marot
  • Clubul Tanarului OrfeuDimitri Malignan: D. Lipatti – Prelude and 2 Nocturnes
  • Gloria Tronel (acc. D. Malignan): L. Delibes – Aria „Où va la jeune Indoue?” from opera Lakmé
  • George Virban (acc. Miriam Drasovean): P. Sorozabal – Aria „No puede ser” from opera La Tabernera del Puerto
  • Cornelius Zirbo (acc. Miriam Drasovean): A. Piazzolla – Gran tango
  • George Virban & Gloria Tronel (acc. Miriam Drasovean): E. de Curtis – Non ti scordar di me

Pe site-ul konzerthaus Berlin:

Konzerthaus Berlin, concert cu laureatii Concursului Mihail Jora




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